ITIS -- It's the Insulin, Stupid (pt 7/8)

Seven down, i to go!
As of this writing, the kickoff post inwards this series has 5316 views, in addition to part 6 has just 739. Quite a reject inwards readership there, thence my sincerest cheers in addition to appreciation to anyone out at that spot who’s silent amongst me. (If I am extremely verbose inwards written media, you’d last amazed how placidity I am inwards person.)

Last time, inwards business office 6, I introduced my interpretation of the chain of causality regarding metabolic/endocrine dysregulation in addition to the accumulation of torso fat. Conventional medicine in addition to nutrition grip that people get fat accumulate excess adipose tissue because they are lazy, greedy, gluttonous, in addition to too sedentary. They eat too much in addition to displace too little. These shortcomings inwards willpower, discipline, in addition to goodness morals Pb to overweight & obesity, in addition to overweight & obesity later on Pb to diabetes, hypertension, infertility, catch disease, in addition to more.

But you’ll recall that I believe differently. I believe it plant similar this:

Blood glucose & insulin dysregulation (hormonal/endocrine issues) ---> preferential usage of glucose for release energy + storage of excess release energy (from carbohydrates and fat) inwards adipose tissue + inhibition of 
lipolysis ---> accumulation of adipose tissue.

In my theory, metabolic in addition to hormonal abnormalities come first, in addition to the accumulation of torso obese is the result. I similar that much, much ameliorate than the chain of causality that looks similar this:

Laziness, greed, gluttony, sloth, grapheme flaws ---> accumulation of torso obese ---> "diabeetus"

In my causation chain, people mightiness fifty-fifty last going out of their way not to last weak-willed gluttons. See, what they really desire for breakfast is a duad of obese sausages amongst a fried egg or two, some greens sautéed inwards butter, in addition to a loving cup of java amongst heavy cream. But, existence real disciplined in addition to wanting to do “the right thing” (at least, according to just almost every medical in addition to nutrition control they’ve e'er heard from), they ignore that primal instinct, telephone phone upon their willpower, in addition to opt instead for a fat-free bran muffin amongst a little schmear of low-fat cream cheese in addition to strawberry jam, in addition to a drinking glass of orangish juice. If they’re feeling really indulgent, instead perchance they’ll receive got some nonfat liquid egg substitute cooked inwards a nonstick pan, which they volition silent coat amongst fat-free nonstick spray, just inwards case. (They volition top the non-fat egg substitute amongst salsa [fat-free] in addition to low-fat cheese.) The LCHF, Paleo, Primal, in addition to Perfect Health Diet worlds are total of anecdotes personal accounts of people who were not greedy, not lazy, not gluttonous, in addition to not sedentary, yet either failed to lose weight, or to a greater extent than probable gained weight, inwards conjunction amongst a dutifully followed low-fat, low-calorie diet, plenty of exercise, in addition to morally superior, holier-than-thou avoidance of succulent, obese animate existence flesh. (I know. I was i of them.)


In the 8th in addition to in conclusion installment of this series, we’ll facial expression at some of the things that mightiness drive blood glucose & insulin dysregulation, because if glucose & insulin issues are what ultimately start the entire ball rolling, in addition to thence nosotros take to spot what triggers them. For now, though, let’s receive got a magical jaunt through fantasy Earth on the dorsum of our regal flight unicorn in addition to utter almost the phrase nosotros all love to hate, “Calories in, calories out.” (This is normally abbreviated to CICO, in addition to some folks inwards the LCHF crowd refer to its ardent adherents every bit CICOpaths or CICOphants. I’m non maxim I do this; I’m just trying to lighten things up, since most of these insulin posts receive got fallen brusque inwards the sense of humor department.) Another acronym that emphasizes the key importance of reducing calories when weight loss is a destination is CRAP: calorie restriction every bit primary. Love it, love it, LOVE IT! (Hat tip to Dr. Jason Fung for that. I don’t know if he’s the i who coined it, but his blog is the kickoff house I e'er saw it.)

There’s a lot to say here. It’s difficult to know where to start. I gauge a goodness house would last a quote from Jonathan Bailor, writer of The Calorie Myth:

“Calories count, but that doesn’t hateful y'all receive got to count calories.”

The CICO model of weight rule boils downward to this: In gild to lose weight, y'all must receive got inwards fewer calories than y'all expend.

That’s it. It says zero almost what happens to those calories i time they’re ingested, or whether or non nosotros fifty-fifty can “count calories” at all. It also fails to explicate why people tin can receive got inwards the exact same number of calories in addition to perform the exact same exercise, but their weight in addition to torso composition mightiness non alter inwards just the same ways.

There are unopen to eight-hundred-zillion things incorrect amongst the CICO model of weight obese loss.

We tin can pretend almost a lot of things.
That doesn’t brand them real.

Let’s pretend, just for now, that this is only almost calories inwards in addition to calories out, in addition to zero else. Let’s forget almost all the complicated biochemical processes happening that nosotros receive got niggling to no command over. (We’ll larn to them inwards a bit, but for now, let’s pretend they receive got no bearing on anything [even though they totally do].) We tin can likely all concord that the only way to larn “calories in” is yesteryear eating in addition to drinking. Okay, fine. Let’s also pretend, just for argument’s sake, that the only way to larn “calories out” is through physical exertion, such every bit running, swimming, walking, biking, hockey, weightlifting, gymnastics, in addition to sex. (And gymnastic sex!)

Why is it that some of us want to run, swim, walk, bike, in addition to lift, in addition to others don’t? (As for sex, if y'all don’t desire to do that, there’s likely something deeper going on than insulin dysregulation, in addition to you’ll receive got to abide by some other blogger who specializes inwards that!) Why do some people experience driven to athletic endeavors, patch others tin can barely muster the release energy to telephone phone out for pizza earlier they collapse onto the couch after work? Granted, some people simply don’t enjoy athletic pursuits, in addition to that’s fine. To each their own. But what almost those who do savor them, or fifty-fifty those who don’t enjoy them, but who, knowing all the supposed benefits of exercise, would silent deal to larn themselves to participate inwards physical activity either to a greater extent than intensely or to a greater extent than frequently, but who lack the release energy to do so? Why do some people experience motivated to do intense exercise, in addition to others don’t?

Why are some people bursting amongst release energy to the betoken where they almost have to get upward in addition to move, patch to others, it’s a chore just to larn upward off the sofa in addition to create dinner, or do laundry, permit lone do an uphill sprint session, or a kettlebell workout? What is the role of insulin inwards either facilitating or blocking the “oomph” that makes people want to displace more?

Calories inwards & calories out are not
independent variables

To some extent, the type of calories inwards has a huge influence on calories out. This is non an absolute, all-or-nothing scenario (human physiology almost never is), but the overall message is this: to some extent, calories inwards aid determine calories out. We know that inwards people who are insulin resistant—we mightiness also telephone phone them “carbohydrate intolerant”—eating a ton of carbohydrates raises insulin, in addition to insulin levels tend to remain high for longer than inwards someone who is to a greater extent than sensitive to the hormone. And, every bit nosotros covered inwards parts 4 in addition to 5 of this series, prolonged elevated insulin inhibits the breakdown of fats. But, every bit I explained way dorsum inwards my serial on fuel partitioning (long earlier anyone was reading this blog), fat is the body’s most efficient fuel, in addition to it’s also the fuel nosotros store the most of. So, when insulin levels are chronically elevated, access to our body’s best in addition to most abundant fuel is blocked. (Like I said on squarely inwards the military camp that loves him. (Well, perchance non him. I’ve never met him, thence I can’t say, but I do sure enough love his work.) His writing is where I kickoff came upon this thought of reversed causality when it comes to the (presumed) human relationship betwixt exercise in addition to weight obese loss.

Just pose materials inwards in addition to receive got it out.
Pay no heed to what happens to it inside the box.
The CICO in addition to CRAP crowds claim it plant similar this: Expend to a greater extent than release energy than y'all receive got in, in addition to your torso weight volition decrease. (Never heed that they don’t necessarily say your fat mass volition decrease. Only your weight.) They believe the human body—the complex, frustrating, beautiful, aggravating, wondrous body—is no to a greater extent than complicated than a dime-store calculator, or a first-grade subtraction problem. The torso is similar a cardboard box: pose inwards less “stuff” than y'all receive got out, in addition to at that spot volition last less materials remaining. Again, this says zero almost how to get someone to receive got to a greater extent than materials out, or why some people’s bodies are thence much ameliorate at letting move of “stuff” than others’. It also says zero almost the fact that the human torso is not a cardboard box. That is, it is non simply a belongings vessel for calories, in addition to it is absolutely non a static entity. The properties of the torso (box) change, depending on what nosotros pose into it. The biochemical reactions that receive got house inwards the torso are influenced yesteryear the type of calories in, in addition to nosotros tin can brand a decent declaration that the type of calories has an fifty-fifty greater influence on these reactions than the total amount of them. (Even within a unmarried macronutrient category, the source of calories has far to a greater extent than influence than the number. Think almost 500 calories of cookies versus 500 calories of broccoli. They're both carbohydrate, but that's where the similarities end.)

Among the myriad effects of a low-carb diet is a lowering of insulin levels. Things vary from someone to person, in addition to for sure, many things deport upon insulin likewise just carb intake. (More on this side yesteryear side time.) But inwards general, if i has a destination of reducing their overall insulin load, a low-carb diet is a pretty damn goodness house to start. By lowering insulin levels, nosotros receive got the gasoline that’s been sitting on the backseat in addition to nosotros pour it into the tank. When insulin and its anti-lipolytic effects are no longer an obstacle, all of sudden, nosotros receive got access to the goodness stuff—the best stuff—fat. And when nosotros receive got access to our body’s best fuel, lo in addition to behold, all of a sudden, nosotros receive got energy. And when nosotros receive got energy, nosotros want to move. We can move. This is what Gary Taubes elucidated thence well: People don’t terminate obese because they’re moving more; they’re driven to displace to a greater extent than because they’re burning fat.

S & M Er, I hateful D & W

This brings upward a goodness question: Isn’t this all just a thing of discipline in addition to willpower?

Proceeding inwards our romp through the Land of Make-Believe, where obese loss boils downward to zero but CICO, wouldn’t everyone—everyone—lose weight if they just had plenty willpower to eat fewer calories, fifty-fifty when they’re real hungry, in addition to had plenty discipline to exercise, fifty-fifty when they’re tired? Doesn’t this silent come upward downward to fatsos overweight folks existence lazy, greedy, in addition to morally inferior to those who are slim? Sorry; I telephone phone bullsh*t. No, actually, I telephone phone f*cking bullsh*t. (Also, nosotros take to halt for a sec, because the Pegasus we’re riding needs a carb refeed, thence permit me just haul out this giant bucket of oats…)

Listen, people. Yes, at that spot are roles for dependent acre in addition to willpower (D&W) inwards obese loss in addition to improving health. At some point, you do receive got to overstep upward some of the foods y'all love if they’re going to hinder your progress. And i time inwards a while, y'all do receive got to forcefulness yourself to larn off your fanny when you’d rather conk out. BUT: D&W are finite resources. You tin can only deny your animate existence instincts for thence long, in addition to y'all can’t white knuckle your way through every repast in addition to every workout.

Besides, what are willpower in addition to discipline, anyway? When it’s the dead of wintertime in addition to y'all pose on a coat to move outside, does that hateful you’re weak-willed? Could y'all tolerate the mutual frigidity ameliorate if y'all just had to a greater extent than willpower? Don’t last ridiculous. (Tibetan monks who melt H2O ice blocks amongst their torso oestrus notwithstanding.) When it’s freezing out in addition to y'all pose on a coat, you’re non weak-willed. You’re next your instincts. It’s mutual frigidity out, so, every bit an intelligent freaking human being, y'all parcel up! When you’re exhausted after a long twenty-four hr menstruum at operate in addition to a few meals of crappy food, in addition to y'all come upward habitation in addition to autumn onto the couch, could y'all move for a sprint session or drib in addition to do some pushups if y'all just had to a greater extent than discipline? Yeah, maybe, but come upward on. If you’re tired, it’s non “undisciplined” to lay on the couch. When y'all receive got no energy, every bit an intelligent freaking human being, y'all wouldn’t do something that requires a lot of energy!

Like I said, sure, sometimes y'all do receive got to override these instincts. (Doing things y'all don’t similar is called existence a grownup, in addition to yes, it sucks.) But y'all can’t last similar this every day, for your entire life. Let me repeat: willpower & dependent acre are finite resources; y'all tin can only white knuckle things for thence long.

So even if fat loss comes downward to zero but CICO, every bit it does inwards Fairy Tale Land, y'all tin can meet why a low-carb diet is still a pretty goodness way to go. If y'all absolutely must “move more” inwards gild to expend release energy in addition to larn to a greater extent than “calories out,” in addition to thence you’re going to take every bit much release energy every bit y'all tin can get. And it seems i of the best ways to get that release energy is to proceed insulin low, every bit that volition facilitate constant access to fat, which is, again, the body’s best in addition to most abundant fuel source. If you’re novel to this in addition to don’t empathise why obese is such a ameliorate fuel root than carbohydrates, I encourage y'all to read the next 3 posts I wrote a patch back. If you’re pressed for time, skip the kickoff one, every bit I’ll last roofing the basics inwards the residue of this post: 

The human torso is not a cardboard box, where things larn pose inwards in addition to taken out, in addition to zero happens inwards between

And now, it’s fourth dimension to render to the existent world, where CICO in addition to CRAP are worthless when it comes to helping human beings—with their incredibly complex biochemistry & physiology, in addition to who are not bomb calorimeters—lose torso fat.

I could likely write some other 10,000 words on this dependent alone, but since business office seven of what I said volition last just 8 posts is already too long, I’ll amount upward the basics in addition to and thence give y'all some of my favorite resources for exploring things further:

We know for sure that non all foods are 100% digested in addition to assimilated into the body. That is, nosotros do non absorb 100% of their “calories.” If you’ve e'er had a bowel motility in addition to noticed whole, intact kernels of corn, sesame seeds, or bits of leafy greenish things inwards your stool, in addition to thence that is your proof right there. In the instance of that corn kernel, it’s pretty obvious whatever calories are at that spot weren’t absorbed; it passed through completely unchanged, for cryin’ out loud! I’m non suggesting that a duad of corn kernels in addition to sesame seeds hither in addition to at that spot would draw of piece of work organization human relationship for someone gaining or losing 20 pounds. I’m simply making the betoken that “calories in” sometimes do wacky things—or zero at all—before they move “calories out.”

We also can’t accurately draw of piece of work organization human relationship for the role of the gut flora, nor of little intestinal lining integrity. The microbes that inhabit our intestines extract some of the release energy from the nutrient that passes through. People amongst overt celiac illness tin can eat in addition to eat in addition to eat (lots of “calories in”), but if they pass one-half the twenty-four hr menstruum on the toilet, they are non absorbing much of the release energy those foods provide. (Lots of “calories out.”) But come upward on, it’s non similar they were doing a triathlon in addition to earned an expenditure of calories; those “calories” are passing through because, due to a damaged intestinal lining, the torso can’t absorb them. Untreated type 1 diabetics are some other category of people who tin can eat seemingly endless amounts of nutrient in addition to still waste matter away. And no, it’s non because they’re eating endless amounts of nutrient patch simultaneously performing superhuman feats of athleticism. These folks’ hormonal milieu makes it such that they nearly can’t gain weight, no thing how much they eat. CICO, MY *SS. MY BIG, FAT, MARATHON-RUNNING, TWICE-A-DAY WORKOUTS *SS. (Sorry for the linguistic communication inwards this one, folks. This is a real personal thing for me, in addition to fifty-fifty amongst whatever professional person noesis I receive got almost how this all works, I am still angry—and jealous!!—that at that spot are people who eat far to a greater extent than than I do, in addition to who exercise far less than I do, but who ARE THINNER THAN I AM. It genuinely stings sometimes. Please, somebody, larn inwards stop. I’ve been fighting this sh*t since I was twelve years old.)

Moreover, the human torso does non “burn calories.” The torso uses energy, inwards the shape of ATP. The torso does nothing, energetically speaking, amongst “calories.” It doesn’t fifty-fifty do anything, energetically speaking, amongst fats, proteins, in addition to carbohydrates, nor fifty-fifty amongst obese acids, ketones, amino acids, in addition to glucose. The torso knows only i type of release energy currency, in addition to that is ATP. The fuel that powers everything the torso does is ATP, non calories.

The torso uses ATP for everything. All the processes going on within your body—whether y'all know almost them or not, whether y'all tin can experience them or not, whether y'all control them or not—are using ATP. For example: the pumping of blood through your blood vessels, the expanding in addition to contracting of your lungs, the lowering in addition to raising of your eyelids, in addition to the motility of nutrient through your gastrointestinal tract. That’s right: your catch beating, your lungs breathing, your eyes blinking, in addition to y'all digesting nutrient all require ATP. We don’t typically think of whatsoever of these things when nosotros think of “burning calories,” but that’s what they’re doing. They are using energy. (And no, I don’t think blinking your eyes to a greater extent than is a goodness obese loss plan.) So we’ve got to admit that “calories out” is far to a greater extent than complex than the number of calories nosotros tin can receive got deliberate measures to “burn.” This is why I larn real angry when I hear the phrase "calories out" bandied almost thence casually, every bit if nosotros tin can larn tons in addition to tons of calories out yesteryear running a few miles. Ain't happening, folks. Exercise doesn't terminate anywhere close every bit many calories every bit we'd similar to think it does.
Do this for health, if y'all like.
But don’t facial expression it to last your
silver bullet for obese loss.

“Calories out” sure enough includes the overt usage of energy, such every bit inwards running, walking, biking, in addition to other physical activities nosotros deliberately brand fourth dimension for inwards our lives. But it also encompasses the aforementioned physiological in addition to biochemical processes, many of which nosotros receive got no command over. In fact, the vast bulk of release energy used inwards the body—that is, the calories burned, or rather, the ATP consumed—happens via the biochemical reactions going on within us 24/7, rather than the measly duad hundred calories—if that—burned during a workout. (Like Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Professor Tim Noakes, in addition to Stephen Phinney, PhD, receive got explained advertising nauseum, exercise is neat for overall wellness in addition to wellness, but No, this doesn’t hateful they’re healthier, but when receive got y'all e'er heard a guy overstep a gal on the street in addition to say, “Look at the depression triglycerides on that one!” Or, “Wow, I bet she’s got great HDL.” When I am demoralized in addition to crying inwards a shopping mall dressing room, my 5.0 A1c is of basically no comfort whatsoever.)

Guess what, everyone?
It’s still the insulin, stupid.

And every bit long every bit we’re on the CICO, fat/carbs, eat-less-move-more jag, allow me to broach some other number related to obese loss. Because, remember: most of us aren’t necessarily concerned amongst weight loss. What nosotros are aiming for is fat loss. (Or, if you’re already at your destination weight, or you’re happy amongst wherever it is y'all are, in addition to thence the aim is to maintain that obese loss and/or forbid obese gain, correct?) So what, pray tell me, is the usage of eating carbs, burning carbs, in addition to replenishing amongst carbs? When does obese e'er move into into this equation?

If y'all eat 250 calories of carbohydrate, in addition to y'all terminate 300 calories of carbohydrate, there’s silent no obese existence burned. Yes, there’s a 50-calorie gap there, but it’s existence filled yesteryear glucose, not fat. That fuel gap likely came from your musculus glycogen. And in addition to thence y'all refuel amongst a granola bar, or a bagel, or a giant bowl of cereal. The cycle is zero but carbohydrate. Carbohydrate in, saccharide out, in addition to saccharide dorsum inwards again.

Note: I am non unaware that sure athletic endeavors are to a greater extent than glycolytic than others, in addition to that physical functioning inwards some pursuits seems to last ameliorate when musculus glycogen is full. So yes, at that spot is a rationale for carb repletion nether the right circumstances. (I receive got written almost this before.) According to the experts, “Fatty acids are the principal root of release energy inwards skeletal musculus during residue in addition to mild-intensity exercise. As exercise intensity increases, glucose oxidation surpasses obese acid oxidation.”

So yes, glucose usage is of import for specific types of athletic performance. But how often do nosotros typically engage inwards high-intensity athletics? For most of us, it’s less than an hr a day. (High-intensity way y'all couldn’t do it all day—not at peak intensity, anyway.) Even so, let’s play devil’s advocate in addition to say, for some reason, y'all do intense athletics for a whopping four hours a day. In damage of improving torso composition—that is, losing obese (and hopefully gaining some muscle)—which matters more: the calories y'all “burn” during those 4 hours, or how your torso is partitioning in addition to using fuel the other 20 hours of the day? If “fatty acids are the principal root of release energy inwards skeletal musculus during residue in addition to mild-intensity exercise”—which are the principal activities we’re all engaged inwards when we’re not working out intensely, in addition to thence it’s still a goodness strategy to follow a low-insulin charge diet. (With properly timed carb infusions for the usage of driving athletic performance, non obese loss.)

If I rearrange the words from the quote above, nosotros larn this:
“As exercise intensity increases, glucose oxidation surpasses obese acid oxidation. [But] Fatty acids are the principal root of release energy inwards skeletal musculus during residue in addition to mild-intensity exercise.”

Even an insulin-resistant person’s torso volition silent usage some obese every bit fuel at residue in addition to during low-intensity activity, but how much more obese would it use—and how much to a greater extent than easily would that person’s torso access that fat—if the anti-lipolytic roadblock of insulin were removed? Remember: “calories out” is not accomplished alone through deliberate measures, such every bit running in addition to swimming. We are putting “calories out”—that is, nosotros are using energy (ATP) all the time, constantly, nonstop. The mere deed of being alive uses ATP. You receive got no thought how many postural muscles are working to proceed your head, neck, spine, in addition to shoulders inwards draw when you’re sitting inwards a chair, doing nothing. Why is it that some people’s bodies seem to desire to usage to a greater extent than obese for these hidden in addition to underappreciated processes than others’?

I don’t know the respond to that. I suspect it has quite a lot to do amongst hormones, in addition to insulin is but i on a long listing of hormones that deport upon fuel partitioning in addition to the usage of “calories.” But here’s what I do know: the extent to which whatsoever of us tin can deliberately stimulate a caloric deficit via eating a lot less in addition to moving a lot to a greater extent than has far less impact on our torso composition than the myriad biochemical processes nosotros receive got virtually no command over. (In fact, if nosotros move almost that deficit the incorrect way, nosotros peril jettisoning our valuable musculus mass, which, over time, volition decrease our resting metabolic rate, making the occupation of obese gain fifty-fifty worse than when nosotros started.)

*Continue to the eighth in addition to in conclusion business office of this series: 

P.S. Now that I’ve written to a greater extent than than anyone e'er cared to read almost this, inwards instance at that spot are some masochists out at that spot who’d similar a fleck to a greater extent than data on why this CICO bullsh*t is, well, bullsh*t (not 100%, but at to the lowest degree 94.6% [p<0.001]), I recommend listening to the podcast in addition to reading the weblog serial linked to below: 

  • Bill Lagakos, PhD, interviewed on the Sigma Nutrition podcastGREAT STUFF on this calorie nonsense. Pay attending to when he talks almost the biochemical effects of consuming salmon versus rice. (Many of y'all probably know Bill from his blog, Calories Proper. If y'all don’t, he is big-time awesome. Be warned, however: if my weblog is the layman’s apparently English linguistic communication explanation of biochem & physiology, in addition to thence his is the i the experts move to.) 
  • There is No Such Thing every bit a “Calorie” to Your Body:  This is an 8-part serial yesteryear J. Stanton, in addition to it’s absolutely brilliant. (He writes much to a greater extent than succinctly than I do, thence these are 8 short-ish pieces.) Each business office ends amongst a link to the side yesteryear side one, but just inwards case, hither are all of them: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. If y'all don’t receive got fourth dimension for them now, do move ahead in addition to bookmark them. The serial is neat for a rainy or snowy day, when you’re looking for something to laid your encephalon on fire. (In a goodness way.)

Remember: Amy Berger, M.S., NTP, is non a physician in addition to , LLC, is non a medical practice. The data contained on this site is non intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or forbid whatsoever medical condition.

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