Parmesan Quinoa on Sautéed in addition to Lemon-Braised Celery Root

Parmesan Quinoa on Sautéed together with Lemon-Braised Celery Root

I'm ever looking out for a practiced persuasion to role quinoa, equally much for its delicately sweetness together with delightful nutty season equally for the exceptional nutritional properties that this ancient South American staple provides, including a almost perfect amino acid residual equally good equally a practiced source of fiber, protein, iron, calcium, phosphorus together with vitamins B together with E. So I was intrigued to come across the odd combination of flavors inward the lemon braised celery origin amongst Parmesan quinoa from Lucullian Delights, specially equally Ilva had prefaced the recipe amongst a even out of how mutual frigidness it was at her abode inward northern Italy. If it could warm her upward there, it ought naturally to last only equally wonderful together with comforting inward the middle of a Canadian wintertime equally well, I figured, together with it equally good sounded similar the perfect accompaniment to the northern Italian-inspired romano edible bean together with vegetable soup I had been planning.

Celery root, or celeriac, is something I've rarely cooked with, which is a shame given its distinctive flavor, somewhere betwixt turnip together with celery. Although non widely used hither inward North America, it's commonly available at larger markets throughout the autumn together with winter, together with happens to last an fantabulous source of potassium inward improver to existence a practiced source of phosphorus, magnesium, iron, together with vitamins B6 together with C. Once peeled, it discolors quickly, thence it is best to laid upward it correct earlier cooking or, if not, sprinkle it amongst lemon juice. As Ilva describes, it goes wonderfully amongst rosemary together with lemon. I haven't done much much differently hither than she did, amongst the exceptions of sautéing the celery origin earlier braising it amongst the lemon juice, to arrive at it it a niggling crispness on the outside, together with using dried rosemary instead of fresh, given the relative difficulty of finding fresh rosemary inward Canada at this fourth dimension of year.

Parmesan quinoa on sautéed together with lemon-braised celery root Parmesan Quinoa on Sautéed together with Lemon-Braised Celery Root
Recipe past times
Adapted from Lucullian Delights
Cuisine: Mediterranean
Published on February 15, 2008

Wholesome together with nutritious Parmesan quinoa served over a bed of sautéed together with lemon-braised celery root

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  • 1 loving cup quinoa (3 cups cooked)
  • iv tablespoons fresh grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 large celery root, peeled together with cutting into french-fry size sticks
  • 1 tablespoon dried rosemary
  • juice of 1 large lemon
  • coarse seat down bounding main salt, to taste
  • Generation Engelmundus Rinse the quinoa nether mutual frigidness running H2O over a real fine strainer, thence soak overnight amongst two cups of H2O inward a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil, thence cut back the estrus to depression together with cover, letting simmer for twenty minutes or until the H2O is absorbed. Remove from the estrus together with fluff thoroughly amongst a fork. Stir inward the Parmesan cheese together with laid aside, covered.

  • Generation Engelmundus Meanwhile, estrus a large skillet or wok over medium heat. When hot, pour inward the olive oil, hold back a few seconds, thence swirl only about to coat the bottom of the pan. Drop inward the celery origin together with sprinkle the rosemary over top. Sauté for 10 to fifteen minutes, turning the celery origin over occasionally, until the sticks accept turned golden brown.

  • Generation Engelmundus Reduce the estrus to medium-low. Drizzle the lemon juice over the celery root, together with straight off comprehend the pan. Simmer the celery origin inward the lemon juice for v minutes, until soft.

  • Generation Engelmundus Arrange the celery origin sticks on plates together with grind coarse bounding main tabular array salt to sense of savor over top. Spoon a quarter of the Parmesan quinoa over each bed of celery root, together with serve.

Makes 4 servings

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