Metabolic Theory of Cancer: Speculation on the Causes of Cancer -- too How to Mitigate Them (Pt.4)

We’re inward the midst of exploring a few potential causes of cancer, in addition to ways to perhaps trim risk. Up today: carcinogens. (If you’re novel here, this post service is pretty far downward the line of piece of work inward a series that started dorsum inward Nov 2014, inward which nosotros are exploring Click hither for the starting fourth dimension post. Each i volition halt alongside a link to the next.) 

I receive got been proverb that sometimes, people tin do “all the correct things,” in addition to all the same halt upward developing some pretty gnarly wellness issues. I receive got also said that some of the diet in addition to lifestyle factors nosotros suspect mightiness elbow grease cancer (mostly past times agency of disrupting mitochondrial function) likely apply less to picayune kids than they do to older folks. So, aside from what we’ve already covered—viruses, age, in addition to freaky mutations to mitochondrial DNA, what else mightiness live causing cancer inward babies in addition to other people alongside no obvious jeopardy factors?


Let’s facial expression at exposure to known in addition to unknown carcinogens. In the modern landscape—especially the urban in addition to suburban landscapes—you can’t movement 10 feet without coming into contact alongside something that has been “linked” to cancer: deodorant, artificial sweeteners, plastics, chemicals outgassing from carpet & vehicle upholstery, shampoo, pesticides, fungicides, cosmetics, vegetable oils, and, let’s non forget the most deadly inwardness known to mankind, which none of us should e'er ingest, EVER: RED MEAT! (Dun-dun-dunnnnn! Cue the scary music!)

Nonsense virtually carmine meat aside, nosotros genuinely do live inward a fleck of a toxic cloud. If only those darn cows would halt farting in addition to releasing thus much methane. (Kidding!)

What is a carcinogen?

There are substances that are known to live carcinogenic. There are substances that are suspected to live carcinogenic. And at that spot are substances that nosotros simply don’t know virtually yet. I hesitate to request a finger at whatever i specific thing, because, my approximate is, it is less the effects of whatever one, unmarried thing, in addition to to a greater extent than probable the cumulative interactions of multiple questionable substances over some flow of time. (How many substances, in addition to how long? I don’t know. If I did know, thus this wouldn’t live speculation, in addition to I’d also likely live a zillionaire, inward which case, I’d live sunning myself behind my villa inward Hellenic Republic or southern Spain, instead of writing weblog posts for free.)  

I mean, here’s the thing: when They (with a upper-case missive of the alphabet T) state that something “causes cancer,” it is typically because they gave examine animals—or exposed cultured cells to in vitro—whatever the inwardness is, inward doses that no human existence would live exposed to inward the course of didactics of 6 lifetimes. At that degree of exposure, everything is “toxic,” including air in addition to water.

And then, there’s the other side of that coin: when something is declared “GRAS,” or “generally regarded every bit safe,” it is unremarkably because it has been studied by itself. In isolation. But nosotros aren’t exposed to nutrient additives, pesticides, fluoride, secondhand cigarette smoke, open fire retardants, vehicle exhaust, parabens, phthalates, BPA, etc., inward isolation. We are bombarded alongside these things pretty much all day, every day, from the infinitesimal we’re born. (And fifty-fifty earlier then, too. Thanks a lot, placenta!) Studies that declare inwardness “X” to live safe—or, that is, prophylactic inward the doses a human existence could reasonably hold off to come across it—focus only on inwardness X. Rarely is inwardness X evaluated for how it interacts with substances Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 through W, Y in addition to Z. But this is how nosotros interact alongside these things on a daily basis—in combination.

So the interrogation is non whether “X” causes cancer, but rather, what does a lifetime (or fifty-fifty simply a few years’ worth) of exposure to these multiple things do to us? Do these compounds interact synergistically, thus that the amount of their effects is greater (read: to a greater extent than harmful) than whatever of them individually? And maybe, inward the best representative scenario of someone alongside a depression overall burden, in addition to alongside a liver in addition to kidneys inward tip-top shape, the trunk would live perfectly capable of “detoxifying” in addition to clearing these substances out. But combined all together, in addition to combined alongside our modern, processed diets, sedentary existences, livers that are struggling simply to maintain blood glucose in addition to lipids inward check, lack of fresh air in addition to humanness, and who-even-knows-what other inputs or lack thereof, maybe our bodies simply can’t maintain up.

As for how some of these things mightiness elbow grease cancer, I retrieve the same holds truthful hither every bit for viruses: they likely somehow derail mitochondrial function. Actually, I don’t receive got to speculate here. There are substances that are known inhibitors of some of the enzymes in addition to complexes inward the electron carry system. (Remember when nosotros talked virtually the ETS agency dorsum inward this post?) So you lot tin consider what would come about there. I mean, the ETS is pretty much our mitochondria’s whole raison d’etre. Their purpose is to generate energy. But if the enzymes in addition to complexes are existence disrupted/inhibited because of substances that straight “mess with” proper function, thus it doesn’t accept a genius to consider how that mightiness elbow grease cancer. (With cancer existence the evolutionarily conserved machinery that keeps cells alive past times feeding them massive amounts of glucose when their mitochondria lose the ability to metabolize fats in addition to ketones. [Dont’cha dear how I insert these picayune reminders & reviews?])

I’m non proverb everything inward the modern ground is poisonous, in addition to I’m non proverb everything is safe. What I’m genuinely proverb is: we simply don’t know.


How tin nosotros strengthen our bodies against known in addition to unknown carcinogens?

I retrieve component of it comes from doing simply that: supporting the body’s natural detoxification pathways, in addition to the other component comes from limiting exposure to these substances inward the starting fourth dimension place.

Support the body’s natural defenses

Regarding the detox pathways: Our bodies receive got lots of ways of taking out the trash, thus to speak. The most obvious are: urination, defecation, in addition to sweating. (But if nosotros retrieve of CO2 every bit a metabolic in addition to respiratory “waste product,” thus breathing also helps, every bit does donating blood, specially for people alongside excessive iron/hemochromatosis.)

Way dorsum inward the post service virtually the large intestine from the digestion series, I explained the role of chronic constipation inward affecting mood. Well, if defecation is i of the primary ways nosotros larn rid of waste matter products in addition to things the trunk doesn’t want, thus it’s likely non goodness to live plugged upward on a regular basis. I don’t retrieve you lot demand to worry if you lot don’t locomote every unmarried day, at the same time, similar clockwork. But certainly, at to the lowest degree a few times a week, something should live coming out. ;-)  Remember: when waste matter sits inward the colon for likewise long, the trunk sometimes re-absorbs substances it was trying to larn rid of.

The kidneys are some other pick for filtering wastes (as good every bit normal byproducts of good for you lot metabolism) out of the blood. Nobody wants to read virtually urine, in addition to I sure don’t desire to utter a whole lot virtually it. Let’s simply state that, barring supplements or some intensely pigmented nutrient (like beets), which may temporarily give your urine an uncharacteristic color, if your urine is…um…a color other than what you lot would expect, do facial expression into it. You do not want to mess around alongside kidney function. (Aside: how come upward there’s thus much utter virtually poop inward the holistic nutrition ground in addition to thus picayune virtually pee?)

The other biggie when it comes to detoxification inward the trunk is the liver. The liver uses multiple enzyme systems, amino acids, in addition to other nutrients inward monastic tell to assist the trunk larn rid of things it doesn’t desire edifice upward within it. Myriad nutrients are involved inward these processes, but the curt listing includes: sulfur-containing amino acids, such taurine in addition to cysteine (the latter of which is required to synthesize glutathione); glucuronic acid (this is why calcium-d-glucarate is recommended for women [and men] who demand to larn rid of excess estrogen); molybdenum (a cofactor for xanthine in addition to sulfite oxidase enzymes…sensitive to sulfites inward things similar vino in addition to dried fruit, or receive got “multiple chemic sensitivity?” Maybe you’re depression on Mo.). Specific herbs, such every bit dandelion rootage in addition to milk thistle (silymarin) are known to assist liver role every bit well. 

I am non an goodness inward how the liver works, but there’s no doubtfulness it is i of the body’s most impressive multitaskers. Here is an abbreviated listing of all the things our livers do for us: shop glycogen in addition to release glucose to assist regulate blood sugar; synthesize lipoproteins to carry cholesterol, obese acids, in addition to fat-soluble nutrients; synthesize bile; synthesize ketones for occupation past times the remainder of the trunk (hepatic cells, themselves, can’t occupation ketones); and, of course, “detoxify” almost everything – alcohol, excess steroid hormones, caffeine, acetaminophen, urea, in addition to more.

So yeah, the liver performs a ton of tasks simultaneously. It’s non similar if the liver is “busy” conjugating excess estrogen it’ll live unable to do anything else. But I do suspect at that spot mightiness live a “saturation point” of sorts, when it comes to the liver’s detox mechanisms. The enzyme systems the liver uses to clear out wastes & toxins aren’t one-trick ponies. Meaning, for example, the enzymes that brand upward the cytochrome P450 organization are employed inward getting rid of many substances, non simply one. So let’s state i of the enzymes is constantly—constantly—taxed alongside getting rid of caffeine. (Or metabolites of your statin, your metformin, your PPI, or hurting relievers.) Maybe it’s thus preoccupied clearing those things that it doesn’t receive got fourth dimension to larn rid of potentially carcinogenic substances “a, b, in addition to c.”

Overall: the liver has plenty to do simply taking aid of hormones, lipids, ketones, blood glucose, bile, in addition to the normal, endogenous byproducts of metabolism. So maybe it’s non such a corking thought to bombard it alongside endless amounts of materials from the outside. (Not that I’m virtually to surrender vino or coffee…more on the character of life number inward a bit.) Think of it similar your car—a machine that is also corking at multitasking: the automobile tin receive got all of the next going simultaneously: the radio, the GPS, the engine, the defroster, the windshield wipers, in addition to the oestrus or air conditioning. But if the radio is already tuned to a station, it can’t live tuned to a minute in addition to third station at the same time.

Again, I’m non a liver expert; I’m simply thinking out loud here. But maybe if the specific enzymes involved inward conjugating/detoxifying a bunch of substances are quite “saturated” alongside those substances, thus if nosotros innovate additional substances that require the same enzymes for detoxification, those additional substances volition larn set on the dorsum burner, in addition to halt upward accumulating inward the body. (Some people believe this is a potential elbow grease of obesity—in a protective move, the trunk sequesters these built-up toxins within adipose tissue, rather than allowing them to circulate endlessly through the bloodstream. Seems plausible to me, though I’m non sure of the biochemical mechanisms that would live involved. All I know is, at that spot are rattling obese people who genuinely experience terrible for a picayune spell when they are actively losing trunk fat, especially a lot of it, in addition to fairly rapidly, because the toxins that had previously been locked away are instantly making their agency through the trunk inward monastic tell to live excreted. It’s non a classic Herxheimer reaction or “die-off,” but it does check the phrase, “You’ll experience worse earlier you lot experience better.”Her)

Whoa. I’m getting agency off message here. But you lot know me, queen of the 1000-word tangents. Let’s larn dorsum on point.

Avoid overtaxing the trunk outright…

We simply talked virtually some of the organs in addition to systems involved inward helping the trunk rid itself of potential carcinogens. Beyond supporting these systems alongside the appropriate nutrients, the other primary agency to mitigate the risks of potential carcinogens is to avoid flooding the trunk alongside them inward the starting fourth dimension place.

Mostly, this involves reducing our full exposure or overall “toxic burden,” but I am also firmly of the belief that we shouldn’t live thus concerned alongside non dying that nosotros forget to genuinely live. Yes, you lot could drinkable only filtered water, swallow only organic/biodynamic food, in addition to avoid all personal hygiene & cosmetic products that comprise anything questionable. You could occupation only baking soda in addition to vinegar to build clean your home, in addition to you lot could surrender your car. (I attended a thyroid seminar in i lawsuit where Dr. David Brownstein shared some pretty scary materials virtually the lawsuit of bromides outgassing from vehicle plastics & upholstery…bromine existence a element of group VII chemical factor that tin sack iodine inward the body, simply similar fluoride.)

…But don’t swing likewise far inward the other direction

Here’s the thing. Even the most careful amid us, in addition to the most dedicated to living every bit “cleanly” every bit possible, volition still live exposed to untold amounts of scary stuff. First of all, organic foods are non unremarkably free of pesticides; they’re simply treated alongside pesticides that are non currently prohibited past times United States of America organic certification laws. Second, fifty-fifty if you lot purchase organic foods, what form of H2O are they using to irrigate the crops? Does it come upward from a municipal provide where they add together fluoride in addition to chlorine? If you’re buying packaged create (even organic) from the supermarket, do the plastic bags impart anything to the nutrient itself? What virtually the “inert” gases they occupation to assist maintain the create looking pretty thus you’ll desire to purchase it?

What virtually the carpet inward your home? Or inward your vehicle? Or inward your friends’ homes in addition to vehicles? What virtually all the pollutants that locomote airborne? You cannot escape everything.


Even so, similar I said, it’s likely non a bad thought to reduce overall exposure. I’m non trying to fear-monger here. I’m only pointing out that if you lot endeavour to avoid every unmarried affair that mightiness potentially impairment you, you lot are going to receive got a stressful, anxious, fearful, sexless, in addition to lonely life every bit a consummate shut-in inward your hermetically sealed, sterilized bubble of a home. You volition probable locomote alienated from friends in addition to theater unit of measurement when you lot spend upward to participate inward shared meals because you lot don’t know what form of dish lather someone used to launder their plates 6 meals ago, in addition to they mightiness serve you lot java made alongside H2O that was not filtered past times opposite osmosis, in addition to you lot won’t proceed opor-garai alongside them because God only knows what form of chemicals are outgassing from airplane spot upholstery! (Never hear that you lot simply know those bird peanuts aren’t organic! And never hear that you lot don’t swallow peanuts anyway, because they’re legumes, in addition to there’s phytate, in addition to aflatoxin, in addition to you lot mightiness every bit good simply set a loaded gun to your temple in addition to delineate the trigger.) <--Sarcasm, inward representative you’re novel to the weblog in addition to don’t larn my humour yet.

See what I mean? It’s naïve to endeavour to avoid everything. In the process, you’ll jeopardy turning into a total nutcase who is unable to participate inward lodge at large, in addition to fifty-fifty if you lot are able to, no i volition desire you lot around, because, well, you’re a full nutcase.

That existence said, at that spot is most for sure a identify for reducing, limiting, in addition to mitigating our exposure to some of this stuff. To the extent that you lot are ready, willing, in addition to able to, sure, purchase to a greater extent than organic food; filter your water; boundary your occupation of utterly unnecessary trunk sprays, lotions, perfumes & colognes; don’t microwave nutrient inward plastic; endeavour non to live straight downwind or downstream of a manufacturing found that belches out tons of fume or wastewater; swap out some of your cleaning products for ACV in addition to baking soda; in addition to larn plenty sunlight to maintain you lot human, but non thus much that your peel burns on a regular basis.

But I’d similar to state again, don’t allow a relentless focus on non dying foreclose you lot from living. I read a fair amount of comments on diverse wellness blogs & forums, in addition to I swear, I tin feel the anxiety radiating from people sometimes. (And who knows: maybe that constant, unrelenting terror is, itself, a carcinogen…)  

That’s to a greater extent than than plenty for now. Next time, we’ll comprehend diet & exercise, thus later on that, hypoxia. And then, we’ll larn to what I really desire to utter about: THE KETOGENIC DIET! (Yes, it’s a dissever affair to tackle from regular ol’ diet.) And I’m happy to study the hypoxia post service volition receive got us getting dorsum to to a greater extent than solid science.

Remember: Amy Berger, M.S., NTP, is non a Dr. in addition to , LLC, is non a medical practice. The data contained on this site is non intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or foreclose whatever medical condition.

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