Herniated Nucleus Pulposus

Herniated Nucleus Pulposus

Intervertebral Discs are the cartilage plates that course of written report a cushion betwixt the vertebral bodies. Hard together with fibrous cloth is combined inwards ane capsule. Such every bit ball bearings inwards the essence of the disc called the nucleus pulposus. Herniated nucleus pulposus is a rupture of the nucleus pulposus.

Herniated nucleus pulposus into the vertebral bodies tin mail away last inwards a higher house or below it, tin mail away every bit good straight into the vertebral canal.

Pain tin mail away occur inwards whatsoever component subdivision such every bit cervical spine, thoracic (rarely) or lumbar. Clinical manifestations depend on the location, speed of evolution (acute or chronic) together with the number on surrounding structures. Lower dorsum hurting is severe, chronic together with recurring (relapse).

Intervention Nursing Care Plan for HNP Herniated Nucleus Pulposus

1. Acute pain related to nervus compression, musculus spasm

a. Assess complaints of pain, location, duration of attacks, precipitating factors / which aggravate. Set scale of 0-10
b. Maintain bed rest, semi-Fowler seat to the spinal bones, hips together with knees inwards a dry soil of flexion, supine position
c. Use logroll (board) during a alter of position
d. Auxiliary mounting brace / corset
e. Limit your activity during the shrewd stage according to the needs
f. Teach relaxation techniques
g. Collaboration: analgesics, traction, physiotherapy

2. Impaired physical mobility related to pain, musculus spasms, together with impairment neuromuskulus restrictive therapy

a. Give / aids patients to perform passive gain of motion exercises together with active
b. Assist patients inwards ambulation activity progressively
c. Provide proficient pare care, massage indicate line per unit of measurement area later on rehap alter of position. Check the dry soil of the pare nether the brace alongside a specific fourth dimension period.
d. Note the emotional responses / behaviors inwards immobilizing
e. Demonstrate the utilization of auxiliary equipment such every bit a cane.
f. Collaboration: analgesic

3. Anxiety related to ineffective private coping

a. Assess the patient's anxiety level
b. Provide accurate information
c. Give the patient the chance to expose problems such every bit the possibility of paralysis, the number on sexual function, changes inwards roles together with responsibilities.
d. Review of secondary problems that may impede the wishing to heal together with may hinder the healing process.
e. Involve the family

4. Knowledge deficient related to the lack of data nearly the condition, prognosis

a. Explain the procedure of affliction together with prognosis, together with restrictions on activities
b. Give data nearly your ain torso mechanics to stand, elevator together with utilization the shoes backer
c. Discuss nearly handling together with side effects.
d. Suggest to utilization the board / mat is strong, a modest pillow nether your cervix a picayune flat, bed side alongside knees flexed, avoid the tummy.
e. Avoid the utilization of heaters inwards a long time
f. Give data nearly the signs that quest attending such every bit puncture pain, loss of sensation / might to walk.

Source : https://bodywellbeing.blogspot.com//search?q=nursing-care-plan-for-hnp-herniated
Sumber http://nanda-nursinginterventions.blogspot.com/
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