Culinary Disasters

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Something Awful [warning - the cite is an exclusively appropriate description of the site] invites their readers to write almost their most disastrous culinary experiences.
I accidentally greased a drinking glass baking dish for ham loaf amongst Pledge instead of Pam. We all wondered why the ham loaf tasted then odd, as well as it wasn't until later dinner when I was putting everything away that I realized what I did.

[another account:]

I was habitation from schoolhouse sick ane day, as well as was getting hungry, then I started about ramen. I had a headache at the time, as well as came upwards amongst the brilliant reckon of advil ramen. I figured, "I similar ramen, as well as I could operate about advil. How tin dismiss this become wrong?" Needless to say, dissolving advil tablets permit off terrible fumes which are non the to the lowest degree chip appetizing. This wasn't ane of my brighter moments.
It got me thinking almost my kitchen as well as thankfully, apart from a few instances of dough flight across the room, my culinary failures accept been few. That said, I exercise shout out upwards ii of my worst moments inward the kitchen.

The starting fourth dimension episode occurred inward my teen years, as well as is non just an representative of a culinary disaster, but rather an event of stupidity. After frying about eggs, I proceeded to house a loaf of bread, housed inward a plastic bag, on the yet warm element. Melted plastic as well as breadstuff are non a tasty combination.

The other retention I accept of failed nutrient is alas in ane trial once again a affair of stupidity as well as distraction. The result: a novel soup pot as well as pizza for dinner instead of charred dark beans. I don't operate canned beans, as well as then instead opt to soak the beans the nighttime earlier as well as boil them inward grooming for the dish I innovation to make. On this item occasion, I prepared to convey the beans to a boil past times setting the oestrus to high. Problem being, I *forgot* to arrange the oestrus to depression earlier heading off to the grocery shop to alternative upwards about ingredients for the recipe. On the agency to the store, I all of a precipitous instructed my driver to furnish habitation immediately. Oh no! I mean value I forgot to arrange the heat! Upon pulling into the driveway, a burning odor was directly evident, as well as the kitchen was indeed filled amongst smoke. Thankfully, this blunder occurred inward the final decade as well as has non been repeated since.

See likewise Lileks' Gallery of Regrettable Food.

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