Nursing Interventions For Pneumonia

Pneumonia, acuate infection of the lung parenchyma, interstitial lung tissue inwards which fluid in addition to blood cells escape into the alveoli. that oft impairs gas exchange. Pneumonia classified inwards several ways.

Based on microbiological etiology origin:
  • Viral
  • Bacterial
  • Fungal
  • Protozoa
  • Mycobacterium
  • Mycoplasmal
  • Rickettsial
Based inwards location, pneumonia tin laissez passer on the axe live on classified:

Bronchopneumonia, Bronchopneumonia involves distal airways in addition to alveoli
Lobular pneumonia or lobar pneumonia. In this pneumonia involves business office of a lobe; in addition to lobar pneumonia, an entire lobe

The infection is equally good classified equally i of 3 types:

Primary pneumonia

Primary pneumonia results direct from inhalation or aspiration of a pathogen, such equally bacteria or a virus; it includes pneumococcal in addition to viral pneumonia.

Secondary pneumonia

Secondary pneumonia may follow initial lung impairment from a noxious chemic or other insult (superinfection) or may final result from hematogenous spread of bacteria from a distant area.

Aspiration pneumonia

Aspiration pneumonia results from inhalation of unusual matter, such equally breadbasket contents vomitus or nutrient particles, into the bronchi. It’s to a greater extent than probable to tumble out inwards elderly or debilitated patients, those receiving nasogastric subway scheme feedings, higher prevalence those alongside an impaired gag reflex, miserable oral hygiene, or a decreased marking of consciousness.

Nursing Interventions for Pneumonia

Intervention in addition to Rationale:
I. Assess for:
  • Respiratory condition including rate, depth, ease, shallow or irregular breathing, dyspnea, purpose of accesory muscles, in addition to diminished breath sounds, rhonchi or crackles on auscultation - provides information baseline.
  • Changes inwards mental status, pare color, cyanosis - indicates possible decrease inwards oxygenation.
  • Quality of coughing in addition to mightiness to heighten secretions including consistency in addition to characteristics od sputum - removal of secretions prevents obstacle of airways in addition to stasis leading to farther infection in addition to consolidation of lungs; clearing airways facilitates breathing.
II. Monitor, record, describe:
Respiratory rate, lineament in addition to breath sounds q2-q4 - indicates airway resistance, air movement, severity of disease.
  • ABGs, oximeter reading - decreased oxygen levels final result inwards hypoxemia.
III. Administer:
  • Oxygen therapy via cannula - keep optimal oxygen level.
  • Antitussives/expectorants (terpin hydrate, guaifenesin) - acts on bronchial cells to growth fluid production in addition to promote expectoration; guaifenesin reduces surface tension of secretions; both preserve non-productive cough
  • Mucolytic (acetylcysteine) - decrease viscosity of mucus for easier removal.
  • Antibiotic (ampicillin, cephalexin) - acts past times binding to prison theatre cellular telephone wall organisms preventing synthesis in addition to destroying pathogens.
IV. Perform or Provide:
  • Position of comfort inwards semi or high fowlers in addition to alter seat q2h - facilitates breathng in addition to allows for sum expansion of lungs.
  • Encourage coughing if sounds is moist; if dry out in addition to hacking, growth fluid intake in addition to administer coughing suppresant - reduces continual irritation to pharynx in addition to liquefies secretions.
  • Coughing in addition to deep breathing do q2h; purpose incintive spirometer 5-10 breaths if tolerated - coughing clears airway past times propelling secretions to oral fissure deep breathing promoes ventilation in addition to prolongs expiratory phase.
  • Assist alongside coughing past times splinting chest; humidified air alongside cool mist - loosens seretions in addition to improves ventilation, moistens mucous membranes
  • Postural drainage in addition to percussion PRN - mobilizes secretion.
  • Suction secretions if coughing ineffective - removal if unable to choose upwards secretions.
  • Oral attention afterwards expectoration in addition to render tissues in addition to pocketbook for disposal - promotes comfort in addition to prevents transmission of organisms to others.

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