Skin pigmentation disorders the color of your skin. Your peel gets its color from a paint called melanin. Special cells inward the peel brand melanin. When these cells becomes damaged or unhealthy , it affects melanin production . Some pigmentation disorders impact merely patches of skin. Others impact your entire body


AETHUSA CYNAPIUM 30- Black as well as blueish spots all over the body

ARSENICUM ALB 30- Skin blackish or bluish inward color

BERBERIS VULGARIS 30- Pale appear upwards alongside soiled greyness tinge, Sunken cheeks . Deep gear upwards eyes surrounded bluish or blackish border

BISMUTH 30- Deadly pale appear upwards alongside blueish rings or then the eyes

CAPSICUM 30- Cheeks are reddish alternate alongside paleness , Red dots on the face

CHINA OFF. 30—Face pale as well as Hippocratic. Eyes sunken as well as surrounded past times blueish rings

CINA 30- Pale appear upwards alongside sickly white as well as bluish appearness or then mouth. Sickly alongside nighttime rings nether the eyes

CONIUM MAC. 30- Green skin

HYPERICUM PERF. 30- Red lines or streaks extending upwards to the arms or legs

IRIS VERSICOLOR 30- Skin becomes blueish afterward dysentery 

IODUM 30- Yellow peel turns brown

LACHESIS 200-Skin turns blueish afterward beingness bitten or afterward fever. Skin purple

LYCOPODIUM 200- Specific for liver spots

KALI ARS 30- Discoloration of peel afterward psoriasis as well as leprosy


PHOSPHORUS 200- Yellow or dark-brown patches on the abdomen 

SEPIA 200- Face as well as conjunctiva yellow. Yellow spots on the chest. Yellow saddle across upper business office of the cheeks as well as nose

SULPHURIC ACID 30- Black or blueish spots on the skin
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